Many people suffer from lower back pain but take it for granted. Pain in the lower back can be associated with many serious ailments, such as osteoarthritis and sacroiliac joint dysfunction. Prevention of lower back pain begins with understanding the risk factors. Sedentary Lifestyle Many office workers sit at their desks for hours without taking a break. Not only is this practice bad for your health, but it also affects your spine.
22 August 2022
Running a marathon is really hard work, and so is training for a marathon. With as challenging as this distance is, runners are wise to take advantage of any therapy or protocol that allows them to recover faster and train smarter. Chiropractic care is an example of a therapy that can be really helpful for marathon runners. Here are some more specific ways that marathon runners can work chiropractic care into their training and routine.
10 June 2022
Despite migraine headaches being a common affliction that affects a large number of adults, some individuals are not even aware that they are living with this condition. Instead, they assume that they are suffering from the occasional headache and simply self-medicate with over-the-counter pain relievers. However, you should know that migraines tend to be much more intense than the standard headache. Certainly, your head will be throbbing, but this ache will also be accompanied by symptoms such as increased sensitivity to light, dizziness, nausea, and changes to your vision.
27 January 2022
Dealing with back pain is quite frustrating as it can interfere with your quality of life. As such, you need to seek treatment or look for ways to alleviate the pain. You never know which combination of remedies will work for you. The trick is trying various remedies and sticking to the best ones. Here are some proven ways of managing back pain. Always Maintain the Correct Posture Most people don't understand that their postures can contribute to back pain.
27 September 2021
If you have a school-age child, you may be concerned about their back as they lug about a heavy backpack every day. Often, the backpacks that are used to carry a child's books and school supplies are much too heavy for them. Additionally, the pack may be carried in an unbalanced manner. People of all ages may suffer from back pain. Some adults with chronic discomfort experienced their first back issues as children.
5 August 2021
If you suffer upper and lower back pain, chiropractic back pain treatment can offer relief. Used as a first line of defense, chiropractic back pain care presents a high success rate in many patients. The good thing with chiropractic care is that it can be implemented in a multidisciplinary treatment approach to alleviate back pain significantly. A chiropractor adjusts your joints and spine to prevent inflammation and restore the spine's functionality.
9 April 2021
If you are struggling with chronic headaches and don't want to continually rely on over-the-counter pain medications, you may want to visit a chiropractor. A chiropractor can identify possible triggers for your headaches, address your posture, and provide a range of treatments. They may offer treatments like spinal adjustments, cervical traction, nerve stimulation, massage therapy, nutritional counseling, and so on. One treatment you may want to consider for your headaches is acupuncture.
24 November 2020