Three Ways To Reduce Your Risk Of Injury When First Getting Active


Taking up an exercise routine after being sedative for a long while can be exciting. You can't wait to lose weight and improve your health. Unfortunately, as someone who is new to the world of physical activity and fitness, you are rather prone to injuries. To ensure you don't end up spending the next few weeks on the couch with a pulled muscle or overuse injury, take these three precautions as you ease your way into your new fitness routine.

Make regular visits to the chiropractor.

Using proper form is of the utmost importance whether you're lifting weights, running, or doing dance aerobics. If you do not carry your body properly throughout these activities, you put excess strain on certain muscles and may end up with an injury. It is tough to maintain proper form when your back is out of alignment—and so many people who have been sedentary have poorly aligned backs. Seeing a chiropractor to ensure your spine is properly aligned before you get too far into your physical fitness routine will make it easier to carry your body properly and avoid injury.

Keep in mind that chiropractors can help treat issues with all joints—not just those in the back. If you have pain in your knees, hips, or ankles, for example, your chiropractor may be able to recommend some stretches and exercises to ease the discomfort before it progresses to the point of being a full-blown injury.

Wear the proper shoes.

Your shoes help absorb shock, so your joints don't have to absorb so much of it. This is incredibly important when you're just getting started and your joints are not used to being used so much. If you plan on running, purchase running-specific shoes, which are designed to ensure your foot lands properly when you stride. If you plan on playing tennis, basketball, or another sport that involves twisting and turning, buy shoes made for that sport – or you may find yourself turning an ankle when you bend too quickly.

When you feel sore, take it easy.

When you first start exercising, you're going to feel sore—a lot. It's important not to push yourself too far when you are sore, since what starts as soreness can progress to being an injury if you push through it. On days that you're sore, take it easy. Just go for a light walk and do some stretching instead of partaking in your normal routine. As you become more fit, the days you are sore will become fewer and further between, so you can have fewer walk-and-stretch days and more hard workouts.


21 January 2016

Getting My Back Fixed

One day, in the middle of helping my kids to clean up the house, I lifted a box weird and threw out my back. It was frustrating, but I assumed that it would go away on its own. I was wrong. After trying everything I could think of to resolve the problem, my back still hurt and I couldn't stand up straight. After a week of suffering, I made the decision to meet with a chiropractor. He inspected my back, took x-rays, and figured out that I had slipped a disc. I started a grueling physical therapy routine, but after a few days, things started to improve. Read this blog to learn more about chiropractors.