Suffer From Migraines? What You Should Know About Chiropractic Care


As a migraine sufferer, you understand how difficult it is to find an effective treatment that not only gets rid of the headaches, but keeps them from coming back right away. You may be surprised to find out that routine visits to a chiropractor could make a difference. In order to understand how chiropractic treatment can help, you need to understand what migraine headaches truly are and what to expect of the treatments. Here's a look at what you should know.

Understanding Migraines

While you may be aware that you suffer from migraines, you may not understand all of the symptoms and the changes that your body goes through before your migraine episodes begin. Migraine headaches are neurological in nature, and they can be triggered by specific irritants or may occur spontaneously.

For patients who experience migraines, the headache pain is the most widely-recognized symptom. What some don't realize, though, is that the days leading up to a migraine can often be filled with sensitivities to things such as visual disturbances, light sensitivity and difficulties with noise. Once the headache pain subsides, you may even struggle with fatigue and a lack of concentration.

Exploring the Chiropractic Exam

The initial exam with the chiropractor will include a discussion about your medical history. During this discussion, he or she will ask about the onset of your migraines, how often you experience them, where the pain is located and how severe that pain is. You may also need to provide details about other symptoms such as nausea, light or sound sensitivity or any visual problems that occur along with your headaches.

After the medical history review, the chiropractor will start a physical examination. He or she will look at your posture, muscular symmetry, neck and shoulders. Tension and spasms in the neck muscles are often a cause for headaches like these, so the chiropractor will look for any signs of problems like these.

Focusing Your Treatment

Once the chiropractor has completed the physical examination and identified any misalignment, joint problems or muscular issues, he or she will tailor the treatment accordingly. Any physical manipulation will be focused on those isolated problem areas to help ease the tension and discomfort. For example, if you have tension or misalignment in your neck and shoulders, the chiropractor will work to manually adjust your spine and neck positioning.

Depending on the cause of your migraines, your chiropractor may recommend that you seek routine treatment as a way of keeping them at bay. If you have joint problems or alignment issues with your spine, regular appointments for adjustments are the best way to maintain your comfort. 


27 October 2015

Getting My Back Fixed

One day, in the middle of helping my kids to clean up the house, I lifted a box weird and threw out my back. It was frustrating, but I assumed that it would go away on its own. I was wrong. After trying everything I could think of to resolve the problem, my back still hurt and I couldn't stand up straight. After a week of suffering, I made the decision to meet with a chiropractor. He inspected my back, took x-rays, and figured out that I had slipped a disc. I started a grueling physical therapy routine, but after a few days, things started to improve. Read this blog to learn more about chiropractors.